
College savings calculator

Enroll in the Plan today to lock in current tuition rates — and start saving.

Tomorrow’s tuition at today’s prices

Private College 529 is a prepaid tuition plan that locks in today’s rates at hundreds of colleges and universities nationwide. Deposits in your account purchase a percentage of a year at each member college, so you don’t need to know where your child will attend in the future. Your prepaid tuition is guaranteed by all member colleges no matter how much tuition increases.

Dive into the details >

When you save in Private College 529 Plan, the value of your account is tied to tuition increases not market performance. When tuition and fees increase at a member college so does the value of your prepaid tuition. Use Private College 529 Plan as a powerful tool on its own or to add stability to your college savings portfolio.

Using the calculator

Our calculator will show you how much tuition you can prepay at any member college and how much you can save by avoiding years of tuition increases. Select a specific school or use the average across all institutions.

You can change the school and your deposit amounts as many times as you’d like. Deposits in your account lock in a different percentage of tuition at each college, since rates vary from school to school. Keep in mind, with Private College 529, you’re saving for all member colleges at the same time.

Let's compare

Traditional Savings Accounts

They’re a good habit but don’t lead to growth over time or offer tax benefits. Contributions to a Private College 529 Plan account are guaranteed to keep pace with tuition and fees at participating schools (on average 3.46% each year) with the same tax benefits as other 529 plans.*


No need to select investment options or worry about the uncertainty of tomorrow’s financial markets. With Private College 529 Plan, you lock in current rates that can be used at any member colleges and universities — no matter how much tuition increases over the years.


Financing college costs with loans may be an option. However, loans are not guaranteed and, with fees and interest, can be costly. Saving now with Private College 529 Plan could mean less borrowing in the future.

*The average increase of tuition and fees for all Private College 529 Plan member colleges between 2010/2011 – 2021

Enroll in the Plan today to lock in current tuition rates at 100s of colleges — and start saving.