
member college promotional toolkit

Get started today

Membership in Private College 529 Plan speaks volumes. It demonstrates your school’s commitment to affordability and, unlike a state-sponsored 529 plan, we're an option you provide. The following toolkit includes a variety of turnkey resources to make promoting your membership easy.

Everyday toolkit

For colleges already promoting their membership, we can be found under financial tools & resources, early college planning, and student payment options. Be careful about lumping us in with other savings plans like a state 529. Your membership is special.

Promoting your membership can be as easy as a few sentences – we help provide. Take a look!


Membership badge (download)

portrait or landscape – web quality, PNG


Plan description (copy/paste)

Our [college/university] participates in Private College 529 Plan, allowing families to lock in current tuition rates to redeem in the future. There’s no market risk, and we guarantee the prepaid tuition for up to 30 years. To learn more and see the full list of participating schools, visit


Plan website (link back to us)

General audience

Vanity url:

Direct url:

Alumni audience

Vanity url:

Direct url:


Top 5 benefits for families (talking points)

  1. As a prepaid tuition plan, there’s no market risk.
  2. Every dollar goes toward prepaid tuition. There are no fees.
  3. No matter what happens with inflation, schools in the plan guarantee prepaid tuition for up to 30 years.
  4. Contributions grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free when used for qualified education expenses.
  5. Families have options if their student doesn’t attend a school in the plan.

Download talking points for admissions counselors >

Download talking points for alumni/alumnae >

Download template communication for alum >


Full page ad (download)

Use this downloadable ad (10.75″H x 8.25″W) in a digital or print publication. Or email [email protected] to request another size.


Table tent for school fairs (download or request)

When costs come up with prospective families, point to your plan membership with a 5×7 table tent. This downloadable PDF template works with VistaPrint. Or email [email protected] to request one in the mail.