
Student Aid Index (SAI) Calculator

  • November 7, 2024
  • 2 min read


Student Aid Index (SAI) is a number used by colleges and universities to assess a family’s eligibility for financial aid. The formula that determines the SAI takes into account household size and parent and student income and assets.

Use our calculator to estimate your Student Aid Index number for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Jump to: Why do I need to know my SAI? | Is this the same as the EFC?

Why do I need to know my SAI?

Your SAI indicates your level of financial need. The lower your SAI number, the greater your need. While you’ll receive a report with an official SAI number typically two weeks after completing the FAFSA, getting an earlier estimate could help your family make important decisions, especially if you’re counting on financial aid.

Is this the same as the EFC?

The term Student Aid Index (SAI) replaced Expected Family Contribution (EFC) starting with the 2024-2025 FAFSA. The name change also coincided with changes to the formula, covered by our SAI calculator. See what else changed on the FAFSA.

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