
Can I Appeal Financial Aid?

By Gail Holt

  • April 15, 2022
  • 2 min read


Young woman sitting in a nondescript room smiling

Gail Holt

Gail Holt
Dean of Financial Aid
Amherst College

Can I appeal financial aid?

Yes. Depending on your family’s situation, you can appeal your student’s financial aid package with the college. This normally happens when circumstances change after a family completes financial aid forms, and the ability to pay for college becomes a concern.

Common scenarios that may warrant an appeal include:

  1. Reduction in parent income or job loss since 2023 — the tax year used to complete the 2025-2026 financial aid applications
  2. Large medical expenses
  3. Providing financial support for an elderly family member; among other scenarios

If you feel your financial situation is no longer accurately reflected on your student’s financial aid application, it’s a good idea to contact the college. Try connecting with the student’s assigned financial aid counselor. They will provide guidance and discuss next steps including the required documentation to advance the appeal.

Keep in mind that the role of the financial aid office isn’t only to process applications and prepare financial aid awards, but to work with you to determine how to make college an affordable reality.

This article has been updated to reflect the relevant tax year under common scenarios.

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